Tuesday, January 18, 2011

End it or not?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately... Shall I just end my blog here? Or should I continue? I wonder who actually reads it?? Since now I've just started my new semester, 2nd year in college, my life has been quite occupied. Even though I have semester breaks, it's only maximum a month, compared to other college that has Summer break for probably two over months.
Then when I had the mood to blog, I know that it'll be a freakin' long post as I haven't update for a long time already but because it lags when I load the main blog page, my mood will just fade away later on. Another thing that pops up in mind, when I had the mood, is this: "Who actually reads my blog? Is it worth the time to type and upload pictures when no one's reading it?"
And I know I've promised in the last post that I'll update my blog last month, in other words, last year but I'm sorry that I've broken my promise. If you would like me to continue updating my blog and don't mind if I update only once in a while, please convince me that there are someone who actually reads my blog. It's not because I want attention, it's because I don't wanna waste my time on a blog which no one reads it. So please, do let me know...



  1. sometimes blog don have to let other ppl read it..
    its for u urself to express..
    but anyway..
    since im leavin a comment, means that i do read ur blog whenever im reading! hehe


  2. i read your blog ;) joooo annnnn !

  3. >MJ: I know... but sometimes I feel it's kinda waste of time if no one reads it. XD Anyway, thanks for reading :) <3

    >Michele: Oookie! :) I guess I shall continue. Thanks for reading too, Michele! :) <3

  4. Hey JoJo, I agree with MJ, blog is for us to express ourselves. Even though people rarely leave comments, but that doesn't mean they are not reading, sometimes people read but do not leave comment. So yeah, anyway, I'm here to let you know I read your blog too :)

    Be looking forward to your next post, peace :)
