Friday, April 10, 2009

Drenched day and Easter Rally may be postponed

Drenched day and Easter Rally may be postponed =(

Today, so many things happened. First of all, CF showed a video of story of Jesus. This story is based on Book of Luke. Anyway, after watching about half an hour, I felt so warm inside and went out and also went to take water where my bag is placed which was outside library. On the way to my bag, I saw ZM, Nat and CCL.

Then Nat asked me whether I saw any shoes anot. So I asked what happen, she told me. ZM and Nat lost one side of their shoes respectively and CCL lost both. ZM and Nat found theirs already when I saw them. I helped them find CCL's shoe. About half an hour later, Nat found CCL's shoe somewhere near the pondok and canteen but a normal student's shoe went missing. I seriously have no idea who was the culprit. Not sure whether is it Indian gang or the Chinese one. But either one, I'm still pissed at them. Don't have anything better to do?!?!?

Anyway, all of us except ZM hung out in library till 2.30pm where Nat and CCL's duties finish. I was actually waiting outside library around 2.20pm. The sky was already so very dark and the clouds were black. CCL went off first to the guard house gate while Nat and I waited in canteen. About 5 minutes later, the rain pours extremely heavy. Many people got wet especially Ed. Then Nat told me it was Choy's bday. So I went to him and asked. He said yes. I wished him, then he noticed he was going to be pushed into the rain. He ran away but Shia noticed him running and remembered as well (I assumed). Ed joined Shia in chasing Choy. Choy in the end surrendered and wet himself by himself. But later, I heard someone pushed him into the rain in the end. Ed and Choy were drenched. Later, when my mom came, the rain was extremely heavy and the wind was strong. Nat, AY (helping to send her back) and I walked to the first gate. We actually wanted to wait there till the rain slows down but didn't. We got VERY wet instead. When we walking and the wind was blowing so strong, AY were screaming and laughing the whole time. In the end, we decided to run to the car. We were so, so drenched by then.

That's all...

Oh WAIT! One more thing or maybe two. Easter Rally may be postponed as there will be school holiday replacement class on that day. The replacement suppose to be tomorrow but the headmaster forgotten that Sunday is Easter and many people will not want to go to school tomorrow. So please, please pray that the school allow Easter Rally to be held on that day itself.

And I very sad and emo again... Even though, yes, you see me so happy and laughing a lot but that is only outside, inside it is so hurtful, just wishing everything would be back normal or like last time... but I doubt that would ever happen again.... It is so tough to be in the same class with someone you used to love and be with. I feel like giving up on myself so, so many times but this short part from a Christian song is actually helping me to remain alive --

" I will live, to love you
I will live, to bring you praise
I will live, a child in awe of you... "

I initially thought that I already healed from that heartbroken feeling but I'm honestly not at all. So torturing. Anyway, what I'm trying to say here is that if any of you feel like giving up on yourselves, like me, please sing that part, if you know the song, to keep you alive and provided you are non-muslims, though whatever that God planned for you will be tough. Live with it.

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